Журнал зарегистрирован в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи и массовых коммуникаций.
Управление по Ставропольскому краю Свидетельство о регистрации средства массовой информации ПИ № ТУ 26-00035 от 16 октября 2008 года.

Журнал рекомендован ВАК Минобрнауки РФ для публикаций научных работ,
отражающих основное научное содержание докторских и кандидатских диссертаций.
Журнал включен в Российский индекс научного цитирования (РИНЦ)


«Теория экономики и управления народным хозяйством» -

Экономические науки


Information about the Publisher

Institute of Friendship of the Peoples of the Caucasus

Main activities:

Scientific monographs and articles

Scientific journal "Bulletin of the Institute of Friendship of the Peoples of the Caucasus"

Conference programs

Educational and methodical literature for universities and colleges

Publication of booklets reflecting the activities of the Institute of Friendship of the Peoples of the Caucasus.

The publishing house was founded in .   Since then, the IDNK publishing house has fulfilled orders for the production of educational, methodological and scientific literature, including textbooks, conference programs, scientific journals, information materials on the activities of the Institute of Friendship of the Peoples of the Caucasus and the college "Modern School of Business".

Address: 355008 Stavropol, K.Marx str., 7

Director : Rassolova Svetlana Vasilyevna 8918- 750-37-28


 The editor-in-chief of the journal "Bulletin of the Institute of Friendship of the Peoples of the Caucasus (Theory of Economics and Management of the National Economy)" is Tatyana Ledovich, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Russian economist, author of a number of works on modern problems of economics and management. Vice-President of the International Pedagogical Academy (Moscow); co-founder of the Eurasian Club of Scientists and Economists (Astana); full member of the Humanitarian Academy (Moscow); member of the European Rectors Club (London); full member of the Eurasian Academy (Moscow); full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.



Editor–in-chief - Ledovich Tatiana Sergeevna, Doctor of Sciences (Economy) Professor, Rector  of Institute of Friendship of the Peoples of the Caucasus, Stavropol

Buzgalin Alexander Vladimirovich, Doctor of Sciences (Economy), Professor of the Department of Political Economy, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow

Voeykov Mikhail Illarionovich, Doctor of Sciences (Economy),  Professor, Chief Researcher, Head of Sector of Political Economy of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Tebiev Boris Kaz-Gireevich, Doctor of Sciences (Economy),   Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of the Moscow Regional Socio-Economic Institute, Moscow

Ovchinnikov Viktor Nikolaevich, Doctor of Sciences (Economy),    Professor, Head of the Department of Management of the Development of Spatial and Economic Systems of the Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don

Barabaner Hanon Zelikovich, Doctor of Sciences (Economy),     Professor, Rector of the Institute of Economics and Management — ECOMEN, Tallinn, Estonia

Hallier Bernd Otto, Professor, Director of the European Institute of Trade (Eupopean Retail Institute – ERI), Kyoln, Germany

Ledovich Sergey Alexandrovich, Candidate Sciences (Philosophy),  Vice-Rector of the Institute of Friendship of the Peoples of the Caucasus, Stavropol

Tatuev Arsen Azidovich, Doctor of Sciences (Economy),    Professor of the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law of Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov, Nalchik

Taranova Irina Viktorovna, Doctor of Sciences (Economy),    Professor of the Department of Financial Management and Banking of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Stavropol


Adress: 35008, Stavroppol, K.Marx pr., 7

Tel. тел.: (8652) 28-25-00  E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.



The Journal "Bulletin of the Institute of Friendship of the Peoples of the Caucasus (Theory of Economics and Management of the National Economy)" is glad to invite you to submit articles in the following scientific areas:

5.2.1. – Economic Theory (Economic sciences),

5.2.3. –   Regional and Sectoral e Economy(Economic sciences),

5.2.4. – Finance (Economic sciences)

5.2.5. – World Economy (Economic sciences)

5.2.6. –  Management (Economic sciences)



  1. Rules for sending articles

The author prepares the text of the manuscript of the scientific article in strict accordance with the requirements for the design of the article for publication in the journal "Bulletin of the Institute of Friendship of the Peoples of the Caucasus (Theory of Economics and Management of the National Economy)" and sends it to the editorial office of the journal in printed and electronic form. The electronic version of the article must strictly correspond to the printed one. The latter is signed by the author(s).

The article submitted for publication must be original, not previously published anywhere and not sent for consideration anywhere. If any copyrighted images are used, permission for their use should also be attached to the text of the article.

The following documents are attached to the article:

- questionnaire of the author (and co-authors);

- a certificate confirming the required level of originality of the article (min. 85%);

- photo of the author;

- a photocopy of the payment document.


 Rules for reviewing and publishing articles

  1. All scientific articles submitted to the editorial office of the journal "Bulletin of the Institute of Friendship of the Peoples of the Caucasus (Theory of Economics and Management of the National economy)" are subjectев
  2. The editorial board notifies the author of the receipt of the manuscript of the article during 3 days.
  3. The article is registered by the editorial board in the journal of registration of articles indicating the date of receipt, title, full name of the author/s, place of work of the author/s. The article is assigned an individual registration number.
  4. The editor-in-chief determines the compliance of the article with the profile of the journal, the requirements for registration and sends it for review to a specialist with an academic degree who has the scientific specialization closest to the topic of the article. The author and co-author of the reviewed work cannot be a reviewer.
  5. The reviewer is notified that the manuscript sent to him is the property of the author and contains information that is not subject to disclosure. The review is conducted confidentially.
  6. The reviewers are members of the editorial board and external reviewers – scientists and specialists in this field (doctors, candidates of sciences). The submitted author's article is submitted for review to the members of the editorial board of the journal in charge of the relevant branch of science. In the absence of a member of the editorial board or the receipt of an article from a member of the editorial board, the editor-in-chief sends the article for review to external reviewers.
  7. The term of reviewing the manuscripts of articles should not exceed 30 calendar days.
  8. The review is carried out according to the following indicators:
    • compliance of the content of the article with its title;
    • the degree of scientific novelty and relevance;
    • the significance of the statement of the problem (task) or the results obtained for the further development of theory and practice in the field of knowledge under consideration;
    • completeness of the disclosure of the topic;
    • language and style of presentation;
    • completeness and quality of conclusions;
    • compliance with the design requirements.
  9. The reviewer may recommend the article for publication; recommend it for publication after revision, taking into account comments; not recommend the article for publication. If the reviewer recommends the article for publication after revision, taking into account comments, or does not recommend the article for publication, the reasons for such a decision should be indicated in the review.
  10. The reviewer has the right to indicate the need for additions and clarifications to the manuscript, which is sent (through the editorial office of the journal) to the author for revision. In this case, the date of receipt of the manuscript to the editorial office is the date of return of the revised manuscript. The article revised by the author is sent for review again.
  11. The final decision on the publication of the article is made by the editorial board and recorded in the minutes of the editorial board meeting.
  12. After the editorial board makes a decision to allow the article to be published, the vice editor-in-chief informs the author about it and specifies the publication dates.
  13. The original reviews are kept in the editorial office of the journal "Bulletin of the Institute of Friendship of the Peoples of the Caucasus (Theory of Economics and Management of the National Economy)" for five years.